The Paso Fino is a classy, 100-year new, Latin American sport model with an automatic transmission and posturpedic shocks – the ultimate in horse travel. The Paso is unique in his leg action. He moves with a four-beat lateral gait – each hoof striking the ground separately and evenly. The movement absorbs the jar, irons out the trail and gives you riding comfort that the most exalted breed cannot match. The Paso gait replaces the (ugh) trot. You do not post. You do not bounce. You need little balance. You zip right along in eye-flagging, head-turning style with minimum effort. The Paso is the smoothest riding horse in the world.
The term “gaited horse” alarms some beginners. They see visions of sensitive high strung horses in full bridles, tiresome training rings and years of equitation techniques. The Paso is NOT that kind of a gaited horse. The Paso gait is a genetically inherited trait, completely natural from birth. The Paso moves in gait without an experienced rider or special cues. He is a FUN HORSE and a new rider can gait right beside the pro and feel pretty smug.
Three speeds of the Paso gait are identified for show purposes.
- Fino (not to be confused with the name of the breed) is the classic, refined crisp, collected movement designed to show purity and style to the utmost. The legs move in a whir of speed with virtually no advance. It doesn’t take you very far very fast – but it is oh so pretty. You could compare it to a dressage movement in other breeds.
- Corto is the cruising speed of the Paso. Your Paso likes it and so do you. You slip along the landscape with the “tik-kee tik-ke” of the stout, little hoofs in perfect cadence, but your shoulders are level and your seat never leaves the saddle. The Paso is relaxed and his head and croup are still. Yet, you are moving faster than your bouncing companion whose mount is extending his trot to keep up. How stylish the Paso is and how good he makes you look. You return from the ride still smiling and fresh enough to clean stalls. (Yes, Pasos are horses and we can’t promise you everything.)
- Largo is the overdrive. The Paso can accelerate his gait and travel at the speed of the lope for long periods of time without tiring. It is exactly the same footfall, class and comfort as the other speeds.
Pasos walk like ordinary horses and lope, canter and gallop nicely. They may be ridden English or Western or bareback in a variety of headgear and bits. Some Pasos are handy jumpers, some compete in time and game events, and some are used with cattle as roping and cutting horses. The Paso may be trained for almost any horse job but he reaches the pinnacle of his potential as the family’s trail and pleasure horse – easily ridden but not easily “messed up”.
Pasos range with the Arab and Morgan in size – between 13 and 15 hands. Come in and test drive one of our models. You’ll find you have plenty of leg room and don’t lack anything in power. The Paso frame is fine and graceful but solid and athletic and it houses a mighty big engine. You can order your Paso in any color.
Because the Paso is exceptionally intelligent, his disposition can be damaged by abuse. This has happened to some of the imported stock. Foals raised in the U.S. are reliably gentle at hand without losing the proud spirit that makes the Paso appear so regal. Pasos are affectionate, cooperative, quick learners, sensible mounts and die-hard competitors in any contest of endurance.
Pasos rarely have foot or leg problems. They’re tough. Some are shod to accommodate local ground conditions, but most go barefoot in work and play. The feet of show Pasos may not be extended, weighted or “sored” to enhance the action – a hideous practice that occur in some gaited breeds. The Paso is completely natural -a fact which our breed organization zealously enforces.
Pasos are easy to train because their gaits are natural. They know the most important part, the gait, from the beginning and have been successfully finished by horsemen from every breed. Pasos are light on the forehand and learn quickly to work off their hocks. Thus, they can execute sliding stops, roll-backs, and 360’s just lie quarter horses. Some have been trained to compete in reining classes. Generally, show Pasos are taught to direct rein but it is simple to teach them to neck rein if that’s what you prefer. About all you have to do to train a Paso is to accustom the colt to carry a passenger and to teach him the leg aids.
Paso horses are priced according to age, training, show achievement, breeding potential and gait quality. Prices are fairly standard around the country and usually start in the $2000 range for weanlings, paralleling values of other good, registered horses. The youngsters are generally less expensive than the adults; the boys sell for less than the girls. Horses that are trained, bred, or show-exposed cost a little more. National Champions and Grand National Champions cost a lot more.
We love the Paso for its NATURAL beauty, its NATURAL gait, its class, its spirit, its versatility, its incredible comfort, its common sense and its uncommon “heart.” We think the Paso is a NATURAL for everybody.